
Glow in the Dark Paint

 Home Decor / by GlowBright / 368 views / Featured


Glow in the Dark paint is oil based and can be applied on most surfaces except plastic and leather. Application is by brush or spray painting.

What is Glow in the Dark Paint?

Glow in the dark paint absorbs surrounding light and stores it. When it becomes dark, this light is released as a bright glow which is visible for hours in the dark. Apply on any surface and that surface will glow in the dark for hours!!

Glow in the Dark products have improved in quality over the years that it is now considered as a backup emergency lighting system.

  • Listing ID: 441
  • Condition: Brand New
Contact details

416 Hougang Avenue 10Hougang,Singapore,530416 Show phone number ***** https://www.darkniteglow.com/glow-in-the-dark-paint/

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