
Differences between Classifieds Directory and Shop Listings

in 2MyMall

There is an article explaining the difference and pros and cons between an online Directory vs an online Shop. In this article, we will highlight the differences between the classifieds directory and the online shop, specific to 2MyMall. This article will focus mainly on the available features and the cost.

Features2MyMall Classifieds Directory2MyMall Online ShopYour Own Online Shop
Allowed ProductsLegal Products in any conditionOnly New and Legal ProductsOnly New and Legal Products
Allowed ServicesLegal Services OnlyOnly New and Legal ServicesOnly New and Legal Services
Suitable forAnyone with anything to sellAnyone with anything New to sellRegistered Business Owners
How to postClick here to Add Your ListingApply for a Seller’s AccountApply for a Seller’s Account
Features2MyMall Classifieds Directory2MyMall Online ShopYour Own Online Shop
What is the setup chargeFreeFree$450
What is the charge for hosting and updatesFreeFree$10 / month
What is the per transaction fee amountNone10%None
Number of listings allowed10030You control your own shop
Featured Listing$5 for 60 days$5 for 30 daysYou control your own shop
Features2MyMall Classifieds Directory2MyMall Online ShopYour Own Online Shop
Receiving of ordersYou receive your own ordersHandled by usYou receive your own orders
Shipping of ordersHandled by youHandled by you using our courierHandled by you using our courier
Payment for ordersYour customers pay you directlyWe receive payment for your ordersYour customers pay you directly
How much do we pay for your ordersN.A.Your total sale minus the 10% transaction feeN.A.
When do we pay for your ordersN.A.PayNow WeeklyN.A.

Where would you like to go?

Online Classifieds Directory

Good place to hunt for bargains or to sell your own stuff.

Online Shopping Mall

Good place to shop for new items direct from manufacturers.

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